Movies in Mandarin

Sesame Street In Mandarin

Many families have expressed to me the desire to identify more resources for their children to learn/explore Chinese language outside of the classroom. Tonight Sanaa enjoyed watching the new Mandarin language Sesame Street. There were a lot of words that she was not able to identify but she was completely engaged and enjoyed watching the You Tube videos. I strongly recommend this series as an opportunity for families to supplement their child’s language learning.


Brave (in Mandarin)

Brave was recently released in Mandarin and I have my copy ordered. I don’t think that the girls are ready to watch this movie just yet but I’m glad to have it on hand in Chinese when they are old enough. I’m looking forward to receiving this little packet in the mail. I will post more when they do finally watch it.

Please post information about videos that your children enjoy watching in Mandarin as a resource for other parents.

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